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Getting started with the new Smart Foal app

1.  If you need a copy of the written instructions, they can be found here 

2.  Download and install the app from the Play or Apple store onto your phone.  

3.  Create a NEW account (none of your details from the old app will transfer across, create a brand new account).  

4.  Log in to begin setup

Add the base station to your Wi-Fi network and connect to app.

Once you are inside the Smart Foal app you can add new devices by tapping on the top right corner icon and selecting add new device.

For the Base station use the Wi-Fi option and follow the instructions on the screen.

Now add your transmitters

To add a transmitter tap the top right corner again and select Add new device.

This time select Scan QR code. Each transmitter has a QR code beneath the velcro. Use your phone to scan the code and follow the instructions on the screen.